From fine artist to graphic designer and back again, that has been the life-long “art path” for Jeannine Bringman. It began in childhood while drawing for seemingly endless hours on a chalkboard in the back yard. Later, in college, the decision to move from fine art to design opened up the world of digital, instant gratification.
Following a career in graphic design, Jeannine has turned to her first love, painting.
Add to a love of painting...a love of animals
"Dogs, cats and horses have been in my life, but really, ALL animals have endearing and often majestic appeal. That quality is a delight to capture in a painting.
With that in mind and a sensitivity to the loss of precious and dearly loved pets, the pet memorial painting concept developed. Creating these paintings are pure joy."
-- Jeannine.

Puppy Love
"It seems to be a natural desire to memorialize the life, love and relationship we have with our fur-babies. I felt that when we lost our dear Lhasa Apso, "Peanut" and created this little collage of each of us loving that devoted little rascal."
-- Jeannine
Let's talk about your dearly loved pet
Contact me and we can get the breed, fur color, hair length, and other details working for your painting.
Email the artist: